marți, 3 mai 2011

Let's begin!

   First of all I would like to present myself to the audience. My name is Radu Gheorghiu and I'm from Romania. I'm a 22 year old student working and studying to be an engineer, hopefully next year after I receive my Bachelor's degree in Computer Science.

   My life unfolds as a complex day to day algorithm: I eat, I sleep, I engineer! After one year of studying at a Politechnical university, here in Cluj Napoca, during which my daily schedule differed enormously from the adjacent days I slowly found a common base to my everyday activities as an aspiring engineer composed of the three activities mentioned earlier.

  I eat: like every person I do this on a daily basis, at least three times a day. My eating schedule has undergone a lot of change since my first year of faculty. At first I ate when I had the time and as much as I could, but now I try to keep a strict and less flexible eating schedule.

  I sleep: the sleeping part is relative to the last point of my daily activities. From my first year as a student, the sleeping schedule was as chaotic as my eating and usually followed it. Now, in my third year I found the miracle of coffee and organized work, so my sleeping schedule also fell into a more normal pattern.

  I engineer! : this is what I came here (faculty) for! This is my daily activity that occupies most of my time. I'm either going to the courses and labs everyday, either working at home for some school projects, I'm almost at any time doing it. Even if I finish my projects I'm still looking on Google for something techincal, something related to engineering. As I have mentioned, I'm a Computer Science student and so I'm 80% of the time in front of my laptop. I enjoy doing a lot of portable "mini-viruses", editing images (I also like photography), studying about computer networks (I'm studying for my last exam for my CISCO CCNA degree) and I'm attracted to almost anything that requires engineering, be it brainstorming, programming, or artistic (arts go perfectly with engineering!)

  I intend to use this blog as a mean of sharing my ideas as an engineer (even if I don't have a diploma yet), as a mean of discussing issues that I come across in my life as an engineer and other fun facts that engineers enjoy. So, yes this blog will be about engineering, but viewed from a funnier, less serious way.

  And as any Computer Science student, there are a lot of Java projects to be done at all time, so I'll go and work on mine now. But I will be back after they're done! (and maybe even post something about them)


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